What do we expect from Apple at WWDC 2021
 min read
February 10, 2022

What do we expect from Apple at WWDC 2021

Miroslav Gajan
Miroslav Gajan
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Next week we're expecting one of the biggest conferences for the developers of the year. Like last year it's completely online, and we can't wait.

WWDC is an annual developer conference usually held in in early June. This year we can expect some design news, next iterations of Apple OS's and probably more. We usually don't see new hardware on this event, but this year can be an exception. Many leakers are suggesting, that we will see new Macbooks together with next iteration of Apple Silicon.

Wondering what our CTO expected from WWDC 2020?

ARM all the way

With last year's introduction of M1, and transition from Intel, Apple is moving forward to the future without x86 processors. There are still some Intel processors in the lineup, and we expect that that will change over next two years. Apple will for sure introduce next iteration of their newest and most powerful processor yet. 😉 It will probably be called either M1X or M2. We like sound of M1X, but let Apple to surprise us. 😄

One of the hottest expectations is the new apple processor
Did you encounter with the problems when working with the latest laptops with the Apple M1 chip? Find out how to Optimization of (not only) projects on the Apple Silicon platform

New hardware

It's not typical for Apple to bring new hardware on this conference. Based on some leaks, we probably can expect redesigned MacBook Pro 14'' and 16'', which will feature new generation of their M1 processor.

It's supposed to be a completely new design, with a return of MagSafe and maybe even HDMI port (wow!). Let's cross our fingers, and maybe we will see new hardware on Monday.

Our wish list for new MacBooks:

  • new design
  • more pro choises
  • FaceID on Mac (please, pretty please.)
  • no white bezels 😄
Although the introduction of hardware is not a regular part of the event, we hope that the HDMI port will return with the new MacBook
Credit: Luke Miani, RendersByain

iOS 15 / new macOS (Mammoth / Monterey?)

In iOS 15, we expect some changes is design, new lockscreen but much still remains unknown. This year, we have not seen anything from leaks and hopefully Apple will bring something special.

It's rumored, that Health app will support Food Tracking, but it's still unclear how this is going to work.

With new macOS, it's about the same we haven't seen much from leakers and after last year's macOS 11 we probably can't expect much in terms of design and functinalities. It's probably going to be just polished version of the macOS Big Sur. We would love to see them to iron out some bugs, and make macOS just all around more stable.

With the new operating system, we expect design innovations


Market for "home devices" is growing bigger and bigger. Apple recently posted a job listing for a homeOS developer. It was updated quickly and replaced with references to tvOS and HomePod insted. It is maybe an indication, that we will see a new name for tvOS, which also runs on HomePods, which does't make sense.


With a launch of new iPad with a M1 chip, we would love to see a big update here. iPadOS lacks a lot of things, which would make an iPad viable replacement to MacBook. We don't want to see a MacOS on iPad, we want more polished iPadOS, which will take an advantage of new M1 chip, and enable proper pro workflow.

Are you also on iOS developer, who can wait for WWDC? Join us, it's always better to wait together :) 
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