Tips for tech podcasts (for developers and IT enthusiasts)
 min read
February 14, 2022

Tips for tech podcasts (for developers and IT enthusiasts)

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Education, news or source of inspiration that is available comfortably, no matter whether you are at home, in gym or on the go. This is how we can describe podcasts in brief. Umm... podcast, what is it? How many of us had a similar reaction 3-4 years ago?Or did not listen to the podcasts regularly. Today many consider them to be a daily routine.

They are (almost) free, the selection is great, and you can learn news from different areas without having to read or watch them on the TV. There are over half a million active podcasts and more than 19 million episodes only within Apple podcasts. To find your way around them is almost impossible.
However, we will gladly share our tips on some great podcasts.

tech podcasts

Tech podcasts for developers

Do you want to know what podcasts for iPhone our iOS developers listen to? Which Android podcasts does the Android department recommend? Where can you get fresh news from the world of technologies and mobile apps? Then read on.

Swift over Coffee (iOS)

In each episode, targeted especially at iOS programmers, you'll find tips, news, ideas about interesting and important topics from Swift. Every second week you will learn everything in approximately 30-minute podcasts.

Info: Swift over Coffee

Inside iOS Dev (iOS)

Once a week, a group of experienced developers dives into the current iOS development theme. These boys have more than 4 years of experience in small startups as well as huge projects.

Info:  Inside iOS Dev

Core Intuition (iOS)

Indie software development, iOS technologies and news from the Apple world are available in about one-hour episodes every week.
Info: Core Intuition

Swift by Sundell (iOS)

New article every week, new podcast every other. Everything is complemented by real experience, tips, techniques and everything about Swift.

Info: Swift by Sundell.

technology podcasts

Android Central Podcast

News, reviews, interviews with relevant guests, or information about new devices. Once a week, you can listen to an hour-long episode. But the creators and our boys say that the time is well worth it.

Info: Android Central podcast

Talking Kotlin (Android)

The programming language Kotlin, the technologies that are related to it, and all the important news are addressed twice a month by Hari Hariri.

Info: Talking Kotlin

Fragmented – An Android Developer Podcast

This podcast offers the view of two experienced boys who from time to time also invite other "popular" Android developers. They talk about tools, models, practices, and many interesting things together.

Info: Fragmented podcast.

android podcast

Tech podcasts for IT fans


Regular weekly look on news from the world of applications. In about 30 minutes, Frederico & John talk about their favorites among apps and, in addition to the facts, they also explore stories behind successful applications.

Info: Appstories

Data Skeptic

Interviews and discussions about data, statistics, machine learning, or AI. Everything through the view of science, critical thinking and verifying the truth of the claim.

Info: Data Skeptic

Accidental Tech Podcast

Three "nerds" discuss once a week technologies, Apple news and everything related to this topic.

Info: Accidental Tech Podcast.

Under the Radar

Each week, Marco & David pursue topics related to development, technologies, marketing, design and mobile applications. You'll always find interesting info in an episode that does not last more than 30 minutes.

Info: Under the radar

ios podcast

GoodRequest in podcasts


As the name implies, it is a business podcast where Peter Chodelka talks with skillful Slovak entrepreneurs, share his experience in business and provide short news which are called „biznisovky“. Our CEO Tomáš Lodňan visited his podcast twice.

„People are our most important asset.“

Digital studio in times of corona crisis

Na rovinu o podnikaní

This podcast offers inspiration and practical advice from experienced entrepreneurs. In this episode, Tomáš talks about when you really need a mobile application and how it can help you.

We paid more attention to this in our blog mobile application vs. responsive web on mobile.


Marek in his podcasts Debríf talks about topics connected with education and self-development. In episode n.10 Tomas and Marek talked about interesting topics such as education, transparency, trust and openness in team.

Do you miss your favorite podcast in our list? Which one should every developer or tech enthusiast listen to? Tell us in mail! :-)

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