Say hello to new GoodRequest office in Košice!
 min read
March 10, 2022

Say hello to new GoodRequest office in Košice!

GoodRequest Family
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We are entering the second half of 2021 with great news. On July 1st., we opened our first office in eastern Slovakia. In the GoodRequest team, we can choose whether we want to work full remote, or we will change it up with working from the office in Žilina, Liptovský Mikuláš or Košice. :)

We did it! After many weeks of preparations, we cut a symbolic red ribbon together in our new office yesterday. Since July, an office in the metropol of the east has been added to the "headquarters" in Žilina and the office in Liptovský Mikuláš. :)

We also wanted to use the opener for a meet and greet, which we could not organize due to the pandemic situation before. Therefore, the spectrum of participants was diverse. Developers, designers, project managers, HR and CEO - most of us have finally seen each other "in real life", not just through meet.

What was the program like? 

We met in the office on Hviezdoslavová 6. Immediately after our last teammate arrived, a decent storm arrived as well. Instead of fireworks, opening was accompanied by thunder, lightning and a heavy downpour.

We didn't mind, we were in no hurry. With tasty food, cakes and (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) champagne, we talked about work and everything else as well :)

After the storm, we ended a opening day with dinner in the beautiful city center.

Who from GoodRequest can you meet in Košice?

The office is currently occupied by developers and designers. We will definitely be happy there. However, there will also be a place for new team members. We still operate 100% remote, but for those who are comfortable working from the office, we also have 3 options throughout Slovakia. We do not end with this number. We will introduce other news soon.

Where can you find us? 

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Do you need help with your digital product? Contact us!

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