The UI of the player is changed on the lock screen and also in the notification bar, the size of individual UI elements has changed. In the new pop-up menu, it is possible to quickly connect to a new device, e.g. via bluetooth. The animations remain unchanged from the previous version. We also get the opportunity to choose which "media" apps will be displayed on the lock screen, users also gain more control over what is displayed on the lock screen.
Are you interested in Android? Don't forget to read our #goodroidtips II.
When we open the settings, we find an improved search bar there, as well as a much larger profile photo. In the individual sections of the settings, we see hints of a new theming engine, which will (hopefully) allow us to change colours, or will adapt to the colours set on the device.
This innovation will allow us to share passwords stored on the device to the other WiFi access points using a QR code, or via Nearby Share. This feature is inspired by iOS, where the password can be automatically shared when connected to the network.
Android 12 will (finally) be offering screenshots to be quickly shared, edited, and, most importantly it will offer to create the so-called. "scrollable" screenshots. We can also add text, emoji to the screenshots. This functionality has long been available from other OEMs and iOS. We are looking forward that it will be finally available in vanilla Android :)
In the first developer preview, Google showed us quite a lot of new useful features. We can expect much more in the coming weeks and we will definitely share them with you :)
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