#1 Kotlin Talks - Jetpack Compose
 min read
February 10, 2022

#1 Kotlin Talks - Jetpack Compose

Miroslav Gajan
Miroslav Gajan
LinkedIn Logo

As part of the Kotlin Slovakia initiative, we prepared the first online event for Android developers at the beginning of May. The main topic was Jetpack Compose. Main speakers were our two experienced programmers - Jozef Kňažko and Peter Šuly.

Peťo, prepared a short intro for JetPack Compose, (for which he also prepared a series of articles Jetpack Compose Basics - Snackbar, Scaffold or Showing Image), which was followed by our Android lead Jozef. He covered the topic in more depth with many practical examples and tips.

Kotlin Event presentation

#1 Kotlin Talks - Jetpack Compose, recording and presentations

Peťo Šuly addressed what Jetpack Compose is. He explained what the basic building blocks of the JetPack Compose look like, e.g. box, lazycolumn, what is a modifier and what is it used for. He also shared his experience with projects he worked on, for example. Innovatrics, Kros or Tatra banka

Jozef covered the topic more in depth, and explained the difference between the Compose runtime and the Compose UI. He also talked about what the compiler plugin is, what structure Compose generates in the background and more valuable info for advanced programmers. Of course, he also revealed something about the projects in which he participated, such as Tatra banka or Bistro.sk.

You can watch the whole LIVE event on our YouTube channel 🙂

As we promised during the broadcast, we also enclose the presentations that you have the opportunity to see in the video. State of Compose, Jetpack Compose - Introduction

To learn more about this topic, the guys recommend the following materials:

What is next Kotlin Slovakia? Are we planning more Kotlin talks?

Definitely 🙂 We would like to adapt the date and topic to what will be useful for you. Therefore, we will be happy if you suggest the topics you are interested in. You can also respond with a suggestion for a speaker

You can contact Jozef Kňažko or Peter Šuly directly on LinkedIn.

We have created a GoodRequest Academy platform for students, where you can show your skills, learn something and get a financial reward. Register at goodreqest.academy
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