iOS Academy: Feedback from iOS developers after 2 months of training and programming
 min read
March 10, 2022

iOS Academy: Feedback from iOS developers after 2 months of training and programming

Maroš Novák
Maroš Novák
Head of iOS
LinkedIn Logo

Why talent is crucial for every organization, our CEO Tomáš Lodňan already addressed in the previous article. This article is a continuation of why we created the iOS Academy project. From January to the end of March, we focused on the development of iOS developers.

How did iOS Academy started?

iOS Academy was designed for a slightly advanced developer. We wanted to focus on people who already knew something about programming, had just finished their studies, or programmed without further specialization. Also developers without previous experience from any project.

Together with our developers Dominik, Pavol and Filip, we organized several presentations, where we tried to touch on all important areas. From basics to more advanced topics.

GR team in office

Feedback of our new iOS developers after graduating from the Academy


How do you evaluate the lectures, mentor and the overall contribution / concept of the iOS Academy?

I really liked the concept of the iOS Academy, the mentors explained the information clearly and paid great attention to each topic. I was always able to contact the mentors with questions and get the necessary information.

What difference (benefits and possibly negatives) do you see on the internship compared to self-education?

Compared to self-education, the academy enables the acquisition of practical knowledge and its implementation. I consider it an important opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge between the participants of the iOS Academy and mentors.

Did the internship prepare you to work on projects?

Thanks to the iOS Academy, I was prepared for large projects, especially for team work. I especially appreciate the practical tips preparing us for projects, good organization and informative lectures.

When you think about  iOS Academy - how would you describe it in a few sentences? What stuck in your memory the most.

I definitely remembered the positive atmosphere in the team, daily lectures, regular online meetings with the participants of the iOS Academy, good organization of the internship and useful advice from mentors.

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How do you evaluate the lectures, mentor and the overall contribution / concept of the iOS Academy?

The lectures were prepared at a professional level, overall this concept is very beneficial. The role of the mentor is definitely important in the process (especially when it is a senior developer), because you receive feedback, whether in the form of code review/comments from the more experienced.

What difference (benefits and possibly negatives) do you see on the internship compared to self-education?

It certainly has many advantages over self-education. The main difference is probably that if you don't know what to do, just ask the mentor and you don't have to Google everything.

Did the internship prepare you to work on projects?

Definitely, I probably wouldn't have been able to do it without it. Then it would take time for senior developers to "stand" with me to help me.

When you think about  iOS Academy - how would you describe it in a few sentences? What stuck in your memory the most.

It was a completely new thing for me and I'm glad I went for it. I probably missed the most well-prepared lectures and the pleasant approach of mentors.


How do you evaluate the lectures,  mentor and the overall contribution / concept of the iOS Academy?

The form of lectures in the form of "a little theory" and a lot of "live coding" demonstrations was a great choice. I consider this to be the biggest positive in terms of education during the academy. The demonstrations presented were the result of the mentor's experience and skills. Such content could also be found on the web, but it would certainly take a long time and the quality would not be like that.

What difference (benefits and possibly negatives) do you see on the internship compared to self-education

The biggest benefit is the presentation and learning on the project, which was still just "incubator", but I knew how to apply all of it to a real project (only new projects), because the structure / method of programming is the same.

Did the internship prepare you to work on projects?

The internship was great preparation for work on new projects. First I jumped on the old project Bistro, where I had to learn a lot of new things, and sometimes it hurt quite a bit :) Subsequent transition to Humanet (new project) was already painless.

When you think about  iOS Academy - how would you describe it in a few sentences? What stuck in your memory the most.

Just in a few words: Maros's lectures, readiness of the iOS Academy content, "competition" with other participants of the academy (yes, it was not a competition, but it was still there 😄)

Will we do someting similiar to iOS Acedemy in the future?

Certainly YES. Again, we are convinced that if you find good people who just need a little mentoring, they can quickly become good developers. :) We would like to organize something similar, on other platforms.

Do you want to be part of our iOS team? We now have open position for you!
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