If you are reading this article, you are probably dealing with a problem of how to write a brief to prepare your new website.
If you decide to have created a new website or you want to redo your old website to give your visitors more information and better browsing experience, you should think about a few important things to help you communicate with web developer and contribute to your overall satisfaction.
Something about you (who will be the user?)
Every good digital agency needs at least some information about the company for which the website is designed. You may say that this is not important, but you would certainly not be thrilled if your engineering company had a fine design intended for the flower sale page.
A few words about what your business or organization does.
How long have you been on the market?
How big is your company?
What are your company's visions?
How do you want to make a name for yourself on the market?
Who is your ideal customer?
What are your biggest competitors?
Analyze your website
Explain to the developer what your new website should look like a how a successful website looks in your opinion.
Why do you need a new website?
Do you already have a website and are you interested in redesigning it?
If so, what do you like about the old website? What do you dislike about the old website?
What will be the structure (menus and sections) of the site?
What functions and features should your website have?
Setting up Google Analytics to measure your site's success
Provide the developer with information about visitors who will visit your website. With this information, it is possible to design the structure, functionality and design tailored to your users.
Who will visit the website?
Public, traders, employees
Age group
Users language
Why will they use the website?
Price comparison
Download digital content
Of course, how your website will look is not entirely up to you, but also to the designers who know the current web design trends. However, it is important to provide them with as much information as possible about your current design and how you imagine the website to look.
Do you have materials (logo, product photos…) that can be used in the design?
What websites do you like? Add at least 3 examples.
What colors, fonts, icons do you use? Do you have a design guideline?
Choose from the following design options:
Traditional vs. modern
Professional vs. personal
Serious vs. friendly
Fine vs. rough
Technical vs. non-technical
Budget and schedule
Providing information on the budget and timetable is very important for the digital agency. Thanks to this information, the agency can decide whether your requirements for project processing are realistic and achievable.
What is the estimated time to start the solution?
What is the deadline for your project?
Will your project consist of more phases?
What is the budget for the project?
When designing an assignment, the promotion of the website is often forgotten. You need to realize that without proper marketing, the site will not reach the user, so you should tell the digital agency how you will promote the site.
Will your website be search engine optimized?
Will you use promotion through social networks?
Do you focus on promoting with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads?
Do you have someone who focuses on your company's content marketing?
What to add in the end?
Proper preparation of the brief for creating the website is very important for you and for the digital agency, but it is equally important to realize that the basis of any good project is continuous communication.