#grpartners: ECO initiative of the Bratislava, 10,000 trees
 min read
April 4, 2022

#grpartners: ECO initiative of the Bratislava, 10,000 trees

Martin Macík
Martin Macík
Business Manager
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Like many cities, our capital Bratislava is beginning to feel the importance of environmental impacts on the lives of its residents. At the same time, it is aware of the benefits of greenery in cities. This is one of the reasons why the 10,000 trees initiative was created, in which we participated in the form of web development and UX / UI design.

Bratislava was one of the cities with very little activity in the field of tree planting, which caused problems such as overheating or reducing air quality. That's why the 10,000 trees initiative was created. It aims to plant 10,000 trees and shrubs by 2022. As part of the initiative, an amazing number of 1,870 trees have been planted since 2019 🌳.

The development and design of a native website will make it easier to participate in the initiative

Many more trees remain to be planted, and ecological topics are close to us in GoodRequest. Participation in the project therefore made us happy. In cooperation with the capital, we worked on the development of the 10000stromov.sk website. In addition to the actual creation of the website, we also designed and implemented a design tested on the residents of Bratislava. The human-centric design makes it easier for residents and institutions to get involved in the initiative and contribute to a greener Bratislava.

Webové rozhranie stránky 10 tisíc stromov

You can see result of web design and development on the website here

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