#grpartners: UI / UX design & frontend for internal information system by MAZARS
 min read
September 7, 2022

#grpartners: UI / UX design & frontend for internal information system by MAZARS

Tomáš Kurať
Tomáš Kurať
Project Manager
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We are launching UI / UX design and frontend development in June with a team of professionals from Mazars. Together we create an advanced digital product PayMap.

Mazars is an international integrated partnership specializing in audit, accounting, consulting, as well as tax and legal services. The company operates in more than 90 countries and employs 42,400 professionals - 26,000+ in an integrated partnership and 16,000+ in the Mazars North America Alliance. Thanks to the constant development of knowledge, skills and technologies or a feeling for cultural specifics, it provides tailor-made services.

Partnership with Mazars based on design and frontend development for the information system

UX Design for web application

The aim of the cooperation is the development of a web application PayMap, the task of which is to process a wide range of data for the payroll documents of multinational companies. An important part of the cooperation is also the design of the web application, which we started with a thorough UX analysis and definition of the problem that PayMap should solve and get to know the requirements of future users. Thanks to the outputs of analyzes and close cooperation with the client, the project is moving to the creation of information architecture and UI system design.

The main benefit of the product is the processing of payroll documents despite specific input data across countries. Also their clear graphical interpretation, which relieves users from cluttered work with huge tables. The task of the information system is also to capture and draw attention to missing information or errors during processing.

Platform description:

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