We know the best banking application in Slovakia. Tatra banka defends first place!
 min read
March 10, 2022

We know the best banking application in Slovakia. Tatra banka defends first place!

Tomáš Vrabček
Tomáš Vrabček
Project Manager
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The popular technological portal TECHBOX.sk is bringing results to the 11th year of the NAY TECHBOX reader survey, which was attended by more than 42k voters this year. In the NAY TECHBOX BANKING APPLICATION category of 2021, Tatra banka is winning!

For the eleventh time, Slovak technology fans have had the opportunity to vote among several categories for the best mobile banking application. The fight in this category was again the closest, but we are all the more pleased that Tatra banka's mobile banking defended the victory for the seventh time in a row 🏆.

Not only the survey itself but also the mobile application of Tatra banka gained a record number of voters; compared to the previous year of the survey, the application improved by 6139 (74%) votes.


Are you interested in how the best mobile banking on the market is created? In that case, don't forget to check out our case study, because we have been cooperating on the development of the Tatra banka mobile application for iOS and Android for the fourth year.

The most innovative mobile banking

We are constantly working together to improve the mobile experience for all Tatra banka customers. Last year we introduced new features, including:

  • Lite version of the application.
  • Updated overview of expenses.
  • Creating a digital business account.
  • Digital debit card immediately available for internet and mobile payments when opening a new account.
  • Improved chatbot Adam.

In addition to that, there are other minor changes and improvements that will ensure comfortable and safe use of the application for more than 500 thousand users.

Check out apps in app stores⬇️

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